What do Crypto, Beer and Portsmouth, New Hampshire Have in Common?

So glad you asked!  We have been mining cryptocurrencies with varying degrees of success.  How about that … when everyone and their mother (literally) are mining crypto?  As Sherpas, we also track trends in beer and food, and are so fortunate to live in the Northeast and have easy access to some of the best New England beers on the planet!


We had reason to travel to Gloucester, Massachusetts recently, and headed up to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to test out the crypto scene there, since we heard you can enjoy a beer on a crypto budget.  Enter Liars Bench Brewing, a nano-brewery located in Portsmouth that accepts Dash and Bitcoin on its Square POS.



My Exodus wallet was populated with several different currencies, including Bitcoin, but the fees on Bitcoin are still a bit out of whack, especially on smaller transactions.  So without having Dash, I initiated a transfer from Bitcoin Gold (BTG) to Dash in the wallet.



Note that the conversion of BTG to Dash is estimated to take up to 30 minutes and the fee is approximately 10.6%.  So we waited for the transaction to post.


Once the transaction posted, it was time to actually pay.  We had to approach the Square POS which was behind the counter to scan the QR code.  Exodus doesn’t have a mobile app yet (thank you Apple?), so we tried to scan the QR through the Exodus wallet on the laptop.  It was kind of clunky and didn’t work, so we had to type in the code into the wallet directly.


And it was done!  Liar’s Bench didn’t accept tips through crypto (not sure why), so the tip was in cash.

The beer was good, and paying in crypto is beyond cool.  Portsmouth, New Hampshire is a growing hub of crypto-economics. In fact, an article entitled “Six of the World’s Most Bitcoin-Friendly Neighborhoods”  includes Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  There are plenty of other references to Portsmouth and its crypto-friendly environment, harkening back to the libertarians and the Free State Project.

Try it and see for yourself whether you believe in the future of crypto or not, it’s worth the experience.

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